Ilustrações para a edição especial de carnaval (barril de 5 litros + copos especiais) Gaffel Kölsch unindo elementos das duas festividades (Brasil e Colônia, Alemanha).
Cliente: Gaffel Kölsch (Colonia, Alemanha, 2013)
Illustration for special edition of Gaffel Kölsch's beer for application on barrel packaging (5 liters) and exclusive glasses illustrating both Brazilian and German's Carnival elements together.
Released in the city of Cologne, Germany.
Client: Gaffel Kolsch (Cologne, Germany, 2013)
Cliente: Gaffel Kölsch (Colonia, Alemanha, 2013)
Illustration for special edition of Gaffel Kölsch's beer for application on barrel packaging (5 liters) and exclusive glasses illustrating both Brazilian and German's Carnival elements together.
Released in the city of Cologne, Germany.
Client: Gaffel Kolsch (Cologne, Germany, 2013)